Face it, some of us have a hard time justifying splurging on the expense of a massage. The cost of living can be extremely challenging right now, and many people are holding out for special occasions like birthdays to receive a massage. Since an hour massage runs anywhere from $60 to $150, many of us can think of many other ways to spend that money. Rather than thinking of massage as a luxury, I invite you to think of it as an investment in your health. How often does your body need a tune-up? Once a month? Twice a month? Once a quarter? Think about what your body needs and schedule some sessions for yourself.
Top 10 Benefits of Receiving Regular Massage:
- Reduces or eliminates pain and muscle tension from chronic or recent injuries
- Reduces stress and fatigue
- Alleviates headaches and lowers the need for migraine medication
- Accelerates your recovery from muscle injuries and surgeries
- Improves poor posture
- Increases joint flexibility and muscle range of motion
- Increases circulation and lowers blood pressure
- Improves immune system function
- Alleviates symptoms of depression
- Enhances attentiveness and focus
For more information on the scientific research being conducted on the benefits of massage, visit the website for the Touch Research Institute.